Дополните предложения.
1. Please show us what ...
2. Can you tell them when ...
3. Do you know which language ...?
4. We don't know who...
5. None of them knows whose...
6. Can you tell me where..?
7. We don't know when..
8. I'm going to tell you why..
9. Who can tell me how.,.?
10. Do you want to know how many...?
11.. Can you see who...?
12. Please tell us what...
13. Please tell them that..


Ответ дал: cлюда
1.....you have drawn.
2......the film begins.
3......is her favourite?
4......will come to her birthday party
5......this idea is.
6.....she lives
7......the teacher comes
8.....I am so tired.
9.....to do this sum?
10....sweets I have got in my bag?

cлюда: 11......who is standing near the window?
cлюда: 12......has happened?
cлюда: 13......I will come back in 2 days. рано нажала ответ.не заметила еще 3 вопроса))))))
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