Вставьте в пропуски it или there.
1. ............................ is a bike parking near the metro station. .........................
is a safe place. 2. .............................. is a fax today. ............................ is
for you. 3. ........................... is a Xerox ['zɪǝrɔks] in the laboratory.
.............................. is very useful. 4. ............................ isn’t a printer to this
computer. ...................... isn’t good. 5. ............................ is always a tiny
ray of hope. ...................... is better to be optimistic. 6. ...................... is no
ink in the cartridge. Is ...................... an old one? — Yes, ...................... is.
7. ...................... are some fish and an octopus on the screen saver.
...................... is a very pleasant picture. 8. ...................... was so much rain
last summer. ...................... was really like ...................... is in England,
but ...................... was very hot there. 9. ...................... is no money left
on my account. ...................... is very, very sad. 10. ...................... is so
much information in the Internet. .............................. is really a world
of knowledge. 11. Once upon a time ................................ lived a very
kind doctor. ................................ is a famous children’s story. 12. Once
...................... was a brave captain. ...................... is a story about Captain
Cook. 13. ...................... is a fine day today! ...................... are many dog
walkers in the park. 14. ...................... is up to you to decide this


Ответ дал: ElskerNorge
1. There is a bike parking near the metro station. It is a safe place.
2. There is a fax today. It is for you.
3. There is a Xerox ['zɪǝrɔks] in the laboratory. It is very useful.
4. There isn’t a printer to this computer. It isn’t good.
5. There is always a tiny ray of hope. It is better to be optimistic.
6. There is no ink in the cartridge. Is it an old one? — Yes, it is. 
7. There are some fish and an octopus on the screen saver. It is a very pleasant picture.
8. There was so much rain last summer. It was really like it is in England, 
but it was very hot there.
9. There is no money left on my account. It is very, very sad.
10. There is so much information in the Internet. It is really a world 
of knowledge.
11. Once upon a time there lived a very kind doctor. It is a famous children’s story.
12. Once there was a brave captain. It is a story about Captain 
13. It is a fine day today! There are many dog walkers in the park.
14. It is up to you to decide this question
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