переделайте утверждения в вопросы ( the walls in our bathroom are light blue. sallys room is not very big. mike has two bookcases in his room. sue is on time. they are childrens toys. their cat is sleeping in the middle of sofa. the garage is behind the house.


Ответ дал: Марина002
1) Are the walls in our bathroom light blue?
2) Is Sally`s room big?
3) How many bookcase does Mike have?
4) Who is on time?
5) Whose toys are they?
6) Where is cat sleeping?
7) Where is the garage?

Ответ дал: Миша55555
1. Are the walls in our bathroom light blue?
2. Is Sally`s room big?
3. How many bookcase does Mike have?
4. Who is on time?
5. Whose toys are they?
6. Where is cat sleeping?
7. Where is the garage?
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