4 Fill in: have got, has got, is, are, am.

1. The apple _____ red.

2. The ball _____ a hole.

3. The kittens _____ happy.

4. They _____ a box of chocolates.

5. The chocolates _____ nice.

6. I _____ happy.

7. I _____ a present.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. The apple __is___ red.
2. The ball ___has got__ a hole.
3. The kittens ___are__ happy.
4. They ___have got__ a box of chocolates.
5. The chocolates __are___ nice.
6. I __am___ happy.
7. I __have got___ a present.

Ответ дал: Volkh
  1 is  red.
2 has got
3. are
4. have got
5. are
6. am
have got
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