1)May i taste the cherry pie , please 2)may i sit down, please 3)may i
have your pen 4)may i wash my hands, please 5)may i ask my friend to come to the party 6)may i watch the late night film , please Ответы: A) no I'm sorry I need it B)no you may not you have school tomorrow D)of course you May what's his name E)sure hte bathroom is upstairs next to Sam's bedroom F) yes of course G)not yet it's still very hot


Ответ дал: nunny
1)May I taste the cherry pie, please? G)not yet it's still very hot 2) May I sit down, please? F) yes of course 
3) May I have your pen? A) no I'm sorry I need it
4) May i wash my hands, please E)sure hte bathroom is upstairs next to Sam's bedroom
5)may i ask my friend to come to the party?
D)of course you May what's his name?
6)may i watch the late night film , please? B)no you may not you have school tomorrow

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