Match the sentences 1)If people protect nature ...
2)If he is not well tomorrow ...
3)If she comes here now ...
4)You will miss the bus ...
5)If we destroy the Amazon forest
6)Your plants won*t grow well ...   a)...he will not deliver his lectures b)...if you don*t water them c) will be happier d)...I*II tell her something e)...If you don*t hurry f) will be more difficult


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка

1)If people protect nature life will be happier
2)If he is not well tomorrow he will not deliver his lectures
3)If she comes here now I'II tell her something
4)You will miss the bus if you don't hurry
5)If we destroy the Amazon forest life will be more difficult

6)Your plants won't grow well if you don*t water them


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