ПОМОГИТЕ С ВРЕМЕНАМИ:) Open the brackets and use Present Perfect, Past Perfect or Future Perfect.
1) You (to read) that magazine yet? - No, I only just (to begin) it.
2) I hope it (to stop) raining by four o'clock.
3) I (to read) the book by five o'clock yesterday.
4) He (to work) at the university for thirthy years before he retired.
5) I not (to see) this film yet, but I (to hear) a lot about it.
6) When I (to come) home, mother already (to cook) dinner.
7) When you are my age you (to learn) much about the weakness of man.
8) Look! It (to snow)!
9) I cannot give you a definite answer as. I not (to discuss) the matter with the manager.
10) She said she (to publish) her first story 10 years before.
11) He (to write) 3 books by the year 2012.
12) He isn't here, he just (to go) out.
13) We (to have dinner) by this time.
14) By 3 o'clock we (to discuss) all the problems.
15) I never (to visit) that place.

SnegirBend: Можно ещё вот это? 1) At six o'clock I (work) for five hours. 2) There is a strange smell here (cook) something? 3) I (work) at the library for 8 hours when you come there.


Ответ дал: cлюда
1have you read....?no,I have just begun it.
2will have stopped
3had read
4had worked
5haven't seen.have heard
6came.mother had already cooked...
7will have learnt
8it is snowing!(здесь надо present continuous)
9haven't discussed
10had published
11had written
12...he has just gone out
13had had dinner
14will have discussed
15I have never visited that place

SnegirBend: Благодарю:) А можете ещё решить дополнение к вопросу?
cлюда: какое?
SnegirBend: 1) At six o'clock I (work) for five hours. 2) There is a strange smell here (cook) something? 3) I (work) at the library for 8 hours when you come there. 
cлюда: 1have been working3have been working2посмотри внимательно 2.что-то не то написано
SnegirBend: Точно..упс) Спасибочки!:)
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