Помогите пожалуйсто!
Complete the sentences with these verbs.

afford / buy / cost / earn / pay / sell / save / spend

1. Athletes .... a lot of Money. Companies ... them thousands of pounds to advertise their products.
2. Designer sportswear can .... a lot of Money. Not many people can .... it.
3. Companies .... trainers on the Internet . The problem is you can't try them on before you .... them.
4. Teenagers don't often .... Money . The like to .... it on a going out and on clothers.


Ответ дал: Tata5s
afford / buy / cost / earn / pay / sell / save / spend

1. Athletes ....earn a lot of Money. Companies .pay.. them thousands of pounds to advertise their products. 
2. Designer sportswear can ...cost. a lot of Money. Not many people can .afford... it.
3. Companies .sell... trainers on the Internet . The problem is you can't try them on before you .buy... them.
4. Teenagers don't often ..save.. Money . They like to .spend... it on a going out and on clothers.
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