Помогите плиз -

The town's leaders work here. **о**   *а**
A small group of houses and shops. It isn't a town. ***l***
You can buy things here. It's usually outside in the street.  ***k**
There are a lot of trees here. ****s*
If you want to drive a car across a river, this is necessary.  ****g*
A large building where people make things (cars, for example). **c****

MAJlOi5555: Просто перевести ?
azko: нет, там слова еще дают, точнее только 1 букву, сейчас напишу
azko: 1) *о**   *а**
MAJlOi5555: блин , го я типе в коменты напишу перевод  , а ты там сам всё вставишь ?
MAJlOi5555: тебе *
azko: я перевод знаю, а что это за слова нет


Ответ дал: nunny
The town's leaders work here. tоwn hаll
A small group of houses and shops. It isn't a town. village
You can buy things here. It's usually outside in the street. market
There are a lot of trees here.  forest
If you want to drive a car across a river, this is necessary.  bridge
A large building where people make things (cars, for example).  factory

Carot: 1. town hall
Carot: 2.church
Carot: 3.village
Carot: 4.market
Carot: 5.forest
Carot: 6.castle
Carot: 7.bridge
Carot: 8.factory
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