Fill in the gaps with suitable verb forms

1. If you had asked she _____________ you.

a) would help
b) would have helped
c) will help
d) could help

2. I will give you $500 if you _____________ smoking.

a) stop
b) will stop
c) stopped
d) would stop

3. If you asked me then, I _____________ you a drink.

a) might get
b) may get
c) had got
d) might have gotten

4. If the man had run a bit faster, he _____________ the thief.

a) could have caught
b) could catch
c) caught
d) catch

5. Would it be ok if I _____________ a friend tonight?

a) bring
b) brought
c) had brought
d) have brought

6. If I were rich, I _____________ all the companies in the IT industry.

a) would buy
b) would have bought
c) will buy
d) will have bought

7. If you eat too sugar, you _____________ ill.

a) will fall
b) will have fallen
c) would fall
d) fell

8. I _____________ perfectly happy if I had a business.

a) will be
b) would be
c) am
d) was

9. If you warm ice, it _____________

a) melt
b) melts
c) would melt
d) would have melted

10. If I become the President of this country, I _____________ abolish taxes.

a) will
b) would
c) would have
d) had


Ответ дал: AlexeyTerushov
1.b,2.a,3.b,4.a,5.b,6.a,7.a,8.b,9.b,10.a. Насчёт 3 и 9 не уверен. в третьем там зависит от степени вероятности, may-это разрешение и 50% вероятность, а might- это очень маленькая вероятность, может подходить и a и b. В 9 там или b или с . По идее должно быть вместо would ice, will melt.
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