Match the definitions with the words in 1. Note that the
definitions give the general meaning of the words.
1 when something hits a surface and then immediately moves
away ____
2 an arrangement where a bank looks after your money____
3 examine something to get information, or to see if it is good
or correct______
4 arrange for something (for example a letter) to arrive for
someone in another place_____
5 take something away, for example from a computer____
6 the name of the place where you live_____


Ответ дал: nunny
1 when something hits a surface and then immediately moves
away __bounce__
2 an arrangement where a bank looks after your money_investition___
3 examine something to get information, or to see if it is good
or correct___scrutinise___
4 arrange for something (for example a letter) to arrive for
someone in another place__post/send___
5 take something away, for example from a computer_extract___
6 the name of the place where you live__home___

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