Ребят,помогите пожалуйста.(только те,кто уверен в своих знаниях)

1.If he___ hard, he won't pass the exams
а.doesn't study. b. didn't study c. hadn't studied

2. If you push this button the light___ on.
a. switches b. will switch c. would switch

3. If I had got a camera, I____ some photos of the mountain on my last trip.
a. will take b. would take c. would have taken

4. If you did exercises every morning you___ better.
a. feel b. will feel c. would feel

5. If we___ some flour we could make some pancakes.
a. have b. had c. would have

6. I'll phone you when ___I to the new flat.
a. move b. moved. c. had moved

7. If you enter incorrect PIN code, you____out your mony.
a. don't draw b, didn't draw c. won't draw

8. If you____whatever you want, what would you buy?
a. can buy b. could buy c. will be able tonry

9. I will lend you some money if____you to give it back ourtime.
a. promise b, promised c. had promised

10. It was raining hard. If I had taken an umbrella I___so wet.
a. won't be b. wouldn't be c. wouldn't have been

11. If she can translate this text, I____ very surprised.
a. will be. b, would be c, would have been

12. It was late at night. If I____enough money, I____a taxi.
a. have, will take.
b. had, would take
c. had had, would have taken

13. If you___ tired, don't drive a car.
a. are. b. were c had been

14. My mum___ angry if my friends___ to my place
a. is, will come
b. will be, come
c. were, would come

15. The water___ frozen if the temperature___below zero.
a. is, is b. will be, is c. was, would be

16. I would buy more books if they____ so expensive.
a. aren't b. weren't c. hadn't been

17. If I were you I____ more polite.
a. am b. will be c. would be

18. If you had booked a table, we___ in a queue.
a. won't stand
b. wouldn't stand
c. wouldn't have stood

19. If she got a ticket she___ to the concert with us.
a. will go b. would go c. would have gone

20. If she___my money back I will apply to the court
a. doesn't give b. didn't give c. hadn't give


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