Надо придумать 5 предложений и к ним придумать по 2 вопроса c неправильными глаголами.
I went to school yesterday.
Did you go to school yesterday?
When did you go to school?
Заранее спасибо!!!


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11

She got up at 7 o’clock yesterday.

Did she get up at 7 o’clock yesterday?

When did she get up yesterday?

We read an interesting book last week.

Did you read an interesting book last week?

When did you read an interesting book?

They wrote a difficult test last month.

Did they write a difficult test last month?

What did they write last month?

He sold his car a year ago.

Did he sell his car a year ago?

What did he sell a year ago?

I swam in the river last summer.

Did you swim in the river last summer ?

Where did you swim last summer?

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