описание медведя или другого животного

komokk: Какого медведя бурого?
kvasovs: да
annanool: Надо писать конкретно, а не "или другого животного", раз про бурого надо.
komokk: Ага


Ответ дал: annanool
Polar bear.

They have got white and thick fur, large body and soft big legs. They have got a short neck. On legs polar bear have got brown paws.

  Polar bear lives in the far north, it can swim 60 miles! 
  It eat other animals and sleeps a lot in the einter, it likes to be with other polar bears. But doesn't like to be around people.

annanool: Я написала про полярного..
kvasovs: спасибо
Ответ дал: Lisunia
Wolf is grey animal.Wolf is fast and predatory.Wolf live in the forest. Wolf is wild animal.He is forest Dr.He is strong and beautiful animall

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