Решите плиз надо у этих вопросов написать утвердительное отрицание и общий вопрос.
#1Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Present Continuous form.

1.I ________(read) my book at the moment

2.they___________(swim) in the river now

3.Jack___________(play) computer games at the moment

4.Nick and Jane _________(make) wreaths now

5.Helen___________(lie) on the grass now

1.Please be quiet. Jack_______(sleep)
2.Look! Little Sarah_______(cry)
3.Where are Frank and Emily? They're in their room. They_______(do) their homework'.
4.Where's Nelly? 'She's_________(have) a bath'.
5.Look! Nancy___________(swim).



Ответ дал: Valerusha2002
1.l'm reading/ l'm not reading/ are you reading
2. are swimming, arn't swimming / are you( they) swimming
3.is playing/ isn't playing / is Jack playing
4.are making/ arn't making/ are Nick and Jain(they) making
5.is lining/ isn't lining/ is Helen lining
6. is slipping
7. is crying
8.are doing
9.is having
10. is swimming

rbakhmeteva: Там к каждому ещё отрицание и вопрос 
Valerusha2002: сейчас напишу
rbakhmeteva: Заканчиваешь?
rbakhmeteva: Не хочу показаться грубым но можно чуть побыстрее 
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