Which words from the box will you choose to complete the sentences? write the sentences down. [another, other, others, the other, the others]
1)One clown fell down and all ... laughed.
2) Yesterday morning I met two girls. One was Matilda, but I didn't know ... .
3)Where are all the children? - John went to play football, ... boys went with him.
4) Some languages are fairly difficult, ... are much easier.
5) Can I have ... cup of tea, please?
6) What ... nouns do you know?


Ответ дал: galina572319

1) One clown fell down and all the others... laughed.

2) Yesterday morning I met two girls. One was Matilda, but I didn't know the other... .

3) Where are all the children? - John went to play football, the other... boys went with him.

4) Some languages are fairly difficult, others... are much easier.

5) Can I have another... cup of tea, please?

6) What other... nouns do you know?

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