Помогите пожалуйста!!!
Respond to the sentences using the prompts. Decide if the situation is real or imaginary
a) Are you going to tell her about it?( if/ tell/ she/ laugh at me)
No way. if i told her about it she'd laugh at me
b) Do you think he is going to pass his driving test?( Unless/ get nervous/ not have/ problems)
I think so .
c) Are you going to invite Sarah to the party? ( If/ invite/ Dave/ have to invite Sarah too)
It depends.
d) I've got a bad headache but we haven't got any aspirin( If/ take/ aspirin/ you/ feel better)
Oh dear.
e) He almost had an accident. ( Unless/ stop/ driking and driving/ kill himself)
What, again?
f) I haven't enough time to start a hobby. ( If/ have/ time/ start one)

g) Can you tell me the answer to auestion five? ( If/ know/ answer/ tell you)
No, I'm sorry.


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

a) If I told her, she would laugh at me.

b) Unless he gets nervous, he won't have problems.

c) If I invite Dave, I will have to invite Sarah too.

d) If you took aspirin, you would feel better.

e) Unless he stops drinking and driving, he will kill himself.

f) If I had time, I would start one .

g) If I knew the answer, I would tell you.

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