Определите тип условных предложений и раскройте скобки.
1) if they (not accept) our terms, we (not sign) a contract.
2) the report isn`t very good. it (be) better, if you (work) harder
3) we (sign) a contract, if they (give) us a good discount.
4) if I (not feel) tired, I (go) to bed later.
5) if you (have) any problems, let me know and I (help) you.
6) if I (see) Jane, I (tell) her to phone you.


Ответ дал: Матем12062

Матем12062: ок может зделаем!
Ответ дал: imlee
1) don't accept, won't sign
2) will, work
3) will sign, give
4) don't feel, will go
5)have, will help
6) see, will tell
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