right or wrong. correct the wrong sentences. (исправить выделенные слова, если употреблены неправильно)
1 don't run! we have plenty time
2SHE HAS TOO many work at the moment
3we think we made a few mistakes in the exam
4i am not enough old to leave home
5they can't go to the meeting. they are too busy
6he has very little time to enjoy himself
7how many apples are there? any
8she is retired so she has much free time


Ответ дал: nunny
1 don't run! we have plenty of time
2 SHE HAS TOO much work at the moment
3 we think we made few mistakes in the exam
4 i am not old
enough to leave home
5 they can't go to the meeting. they are very busy
6 he has too little time to enjoy himself
7 how many apples are there? Many
8 she is retired so she has much free time

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