ПОМОГИТЕ задание: complete the sentences
1. The little boy saw a big dog. He (to be afraid) of it.
2.In which century did William the Conqueror (to go) to London?
3.Nick has already (to become) a pilot.
4.The baker's wife (to wake up) in the middle of the night and saw the fire.
5.They (to build) a new country house yet?
Вопрос в том слова в скобках нужно заменить на правильное время пример:
The little boy saw a big dog. He was afraid of it.

gothinkyou: Я уже сам нашёл!!!! ответ


Ответ дал: zorbing
1. was afraid
2. go
3. become
4. woke up
5. Have they built ...
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