Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense or the Past Continuous Tense.
1)Sarah ___(write) a letter when the light ___(go out).
2)My brother ___(tidy) his room when he ___(find) his old toys.
3)Sandra ___(cycle) to work when suddenly her bike ___(get) a flat tyre.
4)They ___(write) on the board when the teacher ___(come) in.
5)They ___(practise) for their concert when their mother ___(call) them to have lunch.
6)Judie ___(put) the shopping into the car when Ron ___(see) her.
7)Marcus ___(work) on his laptop when the phone ___(ring).
8)As Sam ___(paint) the fence, he ___(trip) over the dog.
9)While you ___(read) the paper, I ___(cook) dinner.

Помогите, пожалуйста Заранее благодарю <3


Ответ дал: TaniaAl
1. Was writing / went out
2. Was tidying / found
3. Was cycling / got
4. Were writing / came
5. Were practising / called 
6. Was putting / saw
7. Was working / rang
8. Was painting / was tripping 
9. Were reading / was cooking 

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