Помогите пжл с английским.
Слова, которые часто идут вместе называются словосочетания. Что делать словосочетаний глаголы делать/сделать и получить/пройти форму с надписью справа?

do или make - friends -a cake/biscuits
-nothing well - a call
- the dishes - a favour
-a speech - a deal
- business - a drawing
- an exercise - a project
- the work - the shopping

get или go - angry - drunk
- bad (food) - hard
- blind - involved
- bored - light
- crazy - ready
- deaf - red
- dressed - to university


Ответ дал: matchman
Make friends - make a cake, do nothing well - make a call, do the dishes - make a favour, make a speech - make a deal, do business - do a drawing, do an exercise - do a project, do the work - do the shopping.

Get angry - get drunk, go bad - go hard, go blind - get involved. get bored - get light, go crazy - get ready, go deaf - get red, get dressed - go to university.
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