What questions can you ask to find out about the changes in the castle?
Dear Gabriel,
I have learnt about your life in the castle. I think it is interesting to live in a castle. May I ask you some questions?
Have you ________________________________?
Has your aunt ___________________________?Вопросы:
Put in a bathroom
Repaint the doors and windows
Buy new furniture
Redecorate the rooms
Bring a computer
Put carpets on the floor
Plant the garden


Ответ дал: danaglover21
I think we can write the following sentences:
Have you repainted the doors and windows?
Have you redecorated the rooms?
Has your aunt buy new furniture?

lusa2005: а можно все
danaglover21: Ну точно я не знаю. Там спрашивают о переменах в замке.
danaglover21: Сад и компьютер к нему, по моему, не имеют никакого отношения. Я не уверена на счет ванной.
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