Помогите пожалуйста....
Match the words with their defenitions.
1. Band а) The ideas in the words of a song
2. Rap b) The rhythm or time of music
3. Message c) The most popular people, things in the history of something
4. Heavy metal d) A group of musician
5. Beat e) Modern rock n roll, very loud
6. greats j) New, mainly black music with important words


Ответ дал: keshishjan

1. Band d) A group of musicians 

2. Rap j) New, mainly black music with important words 

3. Message а) The ideas in the words of a song

 4. Heavy metal e) Modern rock n roll, very loud

 5. Beat  b) The rhythm or time of music
 6. greats c) The most popular people, things in the history of something

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