3. Заполните пропуски союзами as ... as, (not) so ... as и переведите предложения на русский язык:
1. Is Yekaterinburg ... big ... Moscow?
2. The Don is ... long ... the Volga.
3. The weather is ... nice today ... it was yesterday.
4. What other months are ... long ... April?
5. The last winter was not ... cold ... this winter.
6. My room is ... light ... yours.
7. This English book is not ...easy for me ... the book you gave me to read last time.
8. I do not get up ... early on Sunday ... on week-days.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Is Yekaterinburg .as.. big ..as. Moscow?
2. The Don is .not so.. long .as.. the Volga.
3. The weather is .as.. nice today .as. it was yesterday.
4. What other months are .as.. long .as.. April?
5. The last winter was not .so.. cold .as.. this winter.
6. My room is .as.. light ..as. yours.
7. This English book is not ..so.easy for me .as.. the book you gave me to read last time.
8. I do not get up .as.. early on Sunday ..as. on week-days.

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