ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СДЕЛАТЬ ЭТО ЗАДАНИЕ.read the box.complete the phrases.say what you usually do at this time.AT+(THE TIME),3 OCLOCK,NOON/MIDNIGHT/NIGHT IN+IN THE MORNING/AFTERNOON/EVENING 1.........3oclock. 2........the morning. 3..........midnight. 4.........noon. 5..........the evening.6........half past six.


Ответ дал: galina572319
1. At 3 oclock I usually have lunch.2. In the morning I usually go to school.3. At midnight I usually sleep.4. At noon I usually have lessons.
(In the afternoon I go for a walk)
5. In the evening I usually watch TV.6. At half past six I usually have dinner.
Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1. I usually go to the swimming-pool at 3 o'clock. 
2. I usually have a cup of tea in the morning. 
3. I usually sleep at midnight.
4. I usually have a rest at noon. 
5. I usually play computer games in the evening
6. I usually do my homework at half past six.
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