Преобразуйте в пассивный залог Present Simple:
Example: My sister writes a letter. – A letter is written by my sister. (Present Simple)
1. People in Africa drink a lot of water.
2. Workers built the house in one week.
3. The teacher often speaks to me.
4. The policeman stops Jim.
5. I make cakes in the morning.
6. Mary reads a newspaper at 4 o’clock.
7. The boys play cards.
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Ответ дал: sstasya356
1. A lot of water is drunk by people in Africa. 2. The house was built in one week by workers. 3. I am often spoken by the teacher. 4. Jim is stopped by the policeman. 5. Cakes are made in the morning. 6. A newspaper is read at 4 o’clock by Mary. 7. Cards are played by the boys.
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