Помогите пожалуйста , английский .
Fill in:concentrate,venom,upset,loss,slippery,sickness,soothe,cure,strain,blurred.
1.Drive carefully ! The roads are really ....... after last nights rain.
2.A lot of teenagers suffer from hearing ........ because they set the volume too high on their MP3 players.
3.Working long hours in front of a computer can cause ......... vision .
4,Cold water will ......... the pain if you burn you hand .
5.Take a break from the computer , Sam - youll ................. your eyes.
6.Some poisonous animals inject ................. into their victims.
7. Eating all that spice food yesterday game me a(n) ........................ stomach .
8. Scientists havent found a .................. for the common cold yet.
9.Steve always gets travel .................... when he goes on long car journeys.
10.I couldnt ..................... at work today because i didnt ger enough sleep last night.
2)Choose the correct world
1. Max was ill yesterday so he (wasnt able to/didnt have to) go to work.
2.You (might not/mustnt) climb public buildings its illegal!
3.A redback spider (must/can) give its victims a nasty bite.
4.People with hay fever (should/can) keep their windows closed in the summer.
5.Tom (mustnt/cant) play football next week.Hes broken his leg.
6.People who share mobile phones (should/might) get skin infections,
7.If you sit in front of a laptop for too long , you (may/have to) get backache.
8Alain Robert (had to/could) climb buildings from the age of twelve.
9. You (mustnt/dont have to) go to the doctor for minor health problems.You (can/must) try a natural remedy.
3) Join the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. Dave lives in the flat upstairs. He is a firefighter. (who).......................
2.Liza is afraid of spiders . Sarah is afraid of spiders too.(both ... and) .....................
3.I think Jane called you or it might have been Katy . (either ... and) .............................
4.My favourite restaurant is on the high street . It is closing down . (which) .....................
5. Lyn isnt coming to the party. She is unwell. (why).......................

3JlOU1LLlKOJlbHUK: Помогите пожалуйста.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Drive carefully ! The roads are really ....slippery... after last nights rain.
2. A lot of teenagers suffer from hearing ...
loss..... because they set the volume too high on their MP3 players.
3. Working long hours in front of a computer can cause ....
blurred..... vision .
4, Cold water will ....
soothe..... the pain if you burn you hand .
5. Take a break from the computer , Sam - you'll ..
strain.. your eyes.
6. Some poisonous animals inject ...........
venom...... into their victims.
7. Eating all that spice food yesterday game me an ..
upset... stomach
8. Scientists haven't found a ..cure.... for the common cold yet.
9. Steve always gets travel ...
sickness.... when he goes on long car journeys.
10.I couldnt ..
concentrate... at work today because i didnt ger enough sleep last night.
1. Max was ill yesterday so he (wasnt able to) go to work.
2. You (mustn't) climb public buildings, its illegal!
3. A redback spider (can) give its victims a nasty bite.
4. People with hay fever (should) keep their windows closed in the summer.
5. Tom (can't) play football next week. He's broken his leg.
6. People who share mobile phones (might) get skin infections,
7. If you sit in front of a laptop for too long, you (may) get backache.
8. Alain Robert (could) climb buildings from the age of twelve.
9. You (don't have to) go to the doctor for minor health problems.You (can) try a natural remedy.
3) Join the sentences using the words in brackets.
1. Dave, who
is a firefighter, lives in the flat upstairs.
2. Both Liza and Sarah are afraid of spiders.
3. I think either Jane or Katy called you.
4. My favourite restaurant
, which is closing down, is on the High Street.
Lyn is unwell that is why she isn't coming to the party.
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