раскрой скобки, поставив глагол в Present Simple.
1. she - ( to run) in the park.
2. we - (not to ride) a horse every day.
3. Tom and Tim - (to like) to swim.
4. - they - (to play) hide-and-seek?
5. she - (not to watch) TV.
6. my cat - (to play) with her kitten.
7. - Ann - (to work) at school?
8. you - (not to want) to be a dentist.
9. - we often - (to ski)?
10. your brothers - (not to like) dolls.
11. her friend - (to dance) very well.
12. his sisters - (not to sleep).
13. - you - (to read) English?
14. - Nick - (to ride) a bike?


Ответ дал: fadeevakatja
she runs in the park
we do not ride a horse every day
tom and tim like to swim
do they play hide and seek?
she does not watch tv
my cat plays with her kitten
does ann work at school?
you do not want to be a dentist
do we often ski?
your brothers do not like dolls
his sisters do not sleep
do you read english?
does nick ride a bike?

Аноним: а как правильно 11?
fadeevakatja: ой да щас
Аноним: спасибо
fadeevakatja: her friend dances very well
Аноним: а 10 точно don't, а не doesn't?
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