Check your spelling .there are 13 mistakes in the following text . Correct them.

LittlePug: Если я правильно понимаю, то здесь должен быть текст?
габаторишка: Ну да
габаторишка: Написать его
габаторишка: Но будет долго
габаторишка: Потерпишь
габаторишка: Вот текст
габаторишка: When the englich pilgrims kame to america in 1620,they gott much help from nativ americans like squanto. Squanto wos an American Endianness who could speek english. He was a gud translator . He helped teach collonists arrange the ferst Thanksgiving fist 


Ответ дал: LittlePug
When the english piligrims came to America in 1620, they got much help from native americans like squanto. Squanto was an American Indianes(?), who could speak English. He was a good translator. He helped teach collonists arrange the first Thanksgiving Fest
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