Упражнение 1

a) Закончи вопросы с помощью вопросительных слов.
 where -где куда,         when  -когда,            why-почему,                    what-что, какой ( ая, ое, ие)
1. ... do the children read in English? -- books
2. .... do the children go in the morning? -- to school
3. ... does Rex play in the park? -- in the afternoon
4.... do the boys ride bikes? -- in the street
5. ....does little Johnny go to the shops? -- He helps his mother.
6. -- ... films does your mum like? -- She likes old black-and-white films.
7. -- ... does he speak English? -- He likes it.
8. -- ... colours do you like? -- I like blue and purple.


Ответ дал: nunny
1. What do the children read in English? -- books
2. Where do the children go in the morning? -- to school
3. When does Rex play in the park? -- in the afternoon
4. Where do the boys ride bikes? -- in the street
5. Why does little Johnny go to the shops? -- He helps his mother.
6. What films does your mum like? -- She likes old black-and-white films.
7. Why does he speak English? -- He likes it.
8. What colours do you like? -- I like blue and purple.

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