. Изучите следующий перечень правонарушений. Пронумеруйте их по порядку (от 1 до 10), начиная с самого незначительного и заканчивая самым тяжким.
driving in excess of the speed limit_______________
common assault (e.g. a fight in a disco-club)______
drinking and driving______
malicious wounding (e.g. stabbing someone in a fight) ___
murdering a policeman during a robbery_______
murdering a child____________
causing death by dangerous driving________
smoking marijuana ________
selling drugs (suchas heroin)_____________
stealing £l,000 from a bank by fraud___________
stealing £1,000 worth of goads from someone's home
rape _________
grievous bodily harm (almost killing someone)_______
stealing £1,000 from a bank by threatening someone with a gun _______
possession of a gun without a license__________
помогите пожалуйста

sstasya356: Их больше 10


Ответ дал: sstasya356
driving in excess of the speed limit_____15__________ common assault (e.g. a fight in a disco-club)_____12_ drinking and driving____14__ malicious wounding (e.g. stabbing someone in a fight) _8__ murdering a policeman during a robbery____2___ murdering a child______1______ causing death by dangerous driving___6_____ smoking marijuana __16______ selling drugs (suchas heroin)____3_________ stealing £l,000 from a bank by fraud____10_______ stealing £1,000 worth of goads from someone's home 9 rape ____5_____ grievous bodily harm (almost killing someone)___4____ shop-lifting______11_____ stealing £1,000 from a bank by threatening someone with a gun ____7___ possession of a gun without a license____13______
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