Вставить little или few:
1. There is a lit of honey in the fridge, but there is very ........... jam.
2. The teacher can"t belive her eyes. Tom has made very .......... mistakes in the dictation.
3. - How mahy sandwiches have made?
- I am sorry, l have made very........ sandwiches.
4. l am sorry l have........frinds.
5. Don"t forget ro buy some milk! We have got very................
6. lt was raining. There were very..................... childrencin the park.
7. l"m sorry l have........................... time today, but we can discuss your problem tomorrow.
8. We"ll have......... apples in our garden this autumn.


Ответ дал: evelsharipova2
1. little
2. few
3. few
4. few
5. little
6. few
7. little
8. few

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