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My favourite season is spring, because I like spring. It is a wonderful season.
Spring comes and nature awakens from its winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter.
The ground is covered with fresh green grass and the first spring flowers. There are new leaves and blossoms on the trees.
The birds begin to sing and build their nests. The air is fresh and the sun shines brightly.
The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy. Everybody feels younger and stronger.
Many people like spring more than other seasons. It is very pleasant to watch how the nature awakens from the winter sleep.
In spring we can go to the country and have a walk in the woods or by the river.
That is why I like spring more than any other season of the year.


Ответ дал: катас
1. What is your favourite season?
2. What becomes longer in spring?
3. What is covered with grass and flowers?
4. Why do you like spring most of all?
5. Where can we go in spring?

1. Is the ground covered with fresh green grass in spring?
2. Are there new leaves and blossoms on the trees?
3. Do the birds begin to sing in spring?
4. Do many people love spring more than other seasons?
5. Can we go to the country in spring?
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