Рачкройте скобки,употребляя глаголы в Present,Past или Futurr Simple Passive.
1.My question( to answer) yesterday.
2.Hockey( to play) in winter.
3. Mushrooms( to gather) in autumn.
4.Many houses ( to burn) during the Great Firr of London.
5.His nre book( to finish) next yeat.
6.Flowers( to sell) in shops and in the streets.
7.St.Petersburg( to founb) in 1703.
8.Bread ( to eat) every day .
9.The letter(to receive) yesterday.
10 .Nick( to send) to Moscow next week.
Напешите только что вставляется в скобках.


Ответ дал: WCCWAk
1. was answered
2. is played
3. are gathered
4. were burnt
5. will be finished
6. are sold
7.was found
8. is eaten
9. was recieved
10. will be sent
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