Помогите , очень срочно
1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses
A) if my mother had driven carefully , she ...... ( not have) the accident
B) if she had given the book back to the library , she ...... ( not have) so many problems
C) if they had known that their boss was in hospital , they ...... ( visit him)
D) the policemen......( be able to) catch the thief , if you helped them
E) it's getting late. Her mother.....( be) very angry if she ......( not get) home before midnight .
F) if I......( be) you , I ....... ( not buy) that party dress. It's to expensive
G) I ....... ( not make) a cake if l .....( know) you couldn't have any sugar
H) I........ ( get lost) in this city unless he......( come ) with me


Ответ дал: cлюда
A.wouldn't have had
B.wouldn't have had
C.would have visited
D.would be able to
E.will be.doesn't get
F.were.wouldn't buy
G.wouldn't make.knew
H.will get lost.comes
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