Допишите разделительные вопросы. (допишите xвoстики Пожалуйста,
(example) You are John, aren’t you?

She is collecting stickers, _________________?
We often watch TV in the afternoon, _____________________?
You have cleaned your bike __________________?
John and Max don’t like Maths, ________________________?
Peter played handball yesterday, ________________________?
They are going home from school, _______________________?
Mary didn’t do her homework last Monday, ______________________?
He could have bought a new car, ______________________?


Ответ дал: Saonytuan
1)isn`t she?
2)aren`t we?
3)haven`t you?
4)do they?
5)didn`t he?
6)aren`t they?
7)did she?
8)couldn`t he?
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