1. Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false).
Anti-fur protestor Heather Mills McCartney is threatening to stalk actress Jennifer Lopez. The wife of ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney has targeted Ms Lopez because of the singer-actor’s love of fur. Ms Lopez often attends movie premieres and awards shows wearing expensive fur coats.
She says she wants to be “educated” as to why she should not wear them. She has angered animal rights activists for many years. They accuse her of making fur fashionable. She has made it an attractive item for theyoung and wealthy to want to buy.
Ms McCartney’s latest stalking attempt ended painfully when she lost her prosthetic leg in a fight with security guards at the New York offices of Ms Lopez’s fashion company. Ms McCartney wanted to deliver a DVD to Ms Lopez, which contained a documentary of how animals were brutally killed or skinned alive for their fur. Ms McCartney had to replace her artificial leg in a stairwell, as the guards refused her entry to a restroom. She promised to continue her crusade against Ms Lopez, and to “show up” at her home or “get a hold of her at her premieres”.

-Jennifer Lopez has been arrested for wearing fur coats. T/F
-Jennifer Lopez makes fur trendy and popular. T/F
-Ms McCartney lost a leg in a fight with Ms Lopez’s security guards. T/F
Ms McCartney promised to precede her crusade against Ms Lopez. T/F

2. Answer the questions.
- What were your thoughts when you first saw this headline?
- Did the headline make you want to read the article?
- What do you think about Jennifer Lopez?
- What do you think about fur coats?
- How would you assess the behaviour of JLo’s guards?
- Do you know anything about fur industry?
- What is your attitude to Ms McCartney’s acts?


Ответ дал: galina572319

- Jennifer Lopez has been arrested for wearing fur coats. -F

-Jennifer Lopez makes fur trendy and popular. -T

-Ms McCartney lost a leg in a fight with Ms Lopez’s security guards.  -F      (she lost her prosthetic leg )

-Ms McCartney promised to precede her crusade against Ms Lopez. - T

2. I thought it would be intresting to read this article.

  Yes, it did.

  I adore her.

  I like fur coats.

 They  just  did their job.

 I don't know anything definite.

This woman is a real fan of animals. She suffers because of some   people who often  brutally kill animals and even skin them alive for their fur.

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