Напишите по английски что делали члены твоей семьи вчера.
по 5 штук каждый.(мама, папа, брат, бабушка, дедушка).


Ответ дал: anAwesomeWave
Yesterday my mother watered flowers,discussed political problems with my family,went for a walk with my dogs,had cooked so delicious cake and played with me and my older brother Yesterday my father had fond his keys,helped my mother with cleaning,went to the shop and bought potatoes,carrots and some bread,had read the book about dogs

anAwesomeWave: Yeasterday my older brother had finished his game,had read the students book,asking help for mommy,had done homework for all week and took my case and broke it up 
anAwesomeWave: На остальное мысли иссякли 
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