• Предмет: Химия
  • Автор: MrFReeMaNXD
  • Вопрос задан 8 лет назад

Electrolysis of molten zinc iodide (ZnI2)
a) What ions are present?
b) Which one will move towards the cathode?
c) Which one will move towards the anode?
d) Write the anode half equation.
e) Write the cathode half equation.
f) Write the overall redox reaction.


Ответ дал: Аноним
a) There are three ions - zinc cation Zn2+ and two iodide anions I-;

b) Zn2+ will move towards the cathode;

c) I- will move towards the anode;

d) 2I- -2e- = I2;

e) Zn2+ +2e- = Zn;

f) ZnI2 (melted) = Zn + I2.
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