Дополните предложения подходящей формой глагола,приведенного в скобках:1. It would be better if we (not,leave)........early.2. Imagine a greengrocer who (have).......... no vegetables!3. I wish my wife (be) ........nicer.4. If he (mend).......his car today we (leave) tomorrow. (Придаточное Условное Предложение)5. I wish the furniture (deliver)........as soon as possible.(Используйте страдательный залог)6. Suppose she (marry) ............ this ugly man.7. He said he (do)......... nothing till he (pay)......... a lot of money. (Используйте страдательный залог)8. If I (have)......... a stamp I would (send) .........the letter.(И условие, и результат относятся к прошедшему времени.)9. When I (enter) ..........the room many quests......already (leave)..........10. If only he (drive) ...........slowly!


Ответ дал: ЛераАляева
1. It would be better if we did not leave .early.

2. Imagine a greengrocer who (has no vegetables!

3. I wish my wife were nicer.

4. If he (mends his car today we will leave) tomorrow. 

5. I wish the furniture to be delivered as soon as possible.

6. Suppose she marries this ugly man.

7. He said he will do nothing till he is paid a lot of money. 

8. If I (had haad a stamp I would have sent the letter.

9. When I entered the room many quests had already (left.

10. If only he had been driving slowly! 

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