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На всей планете бывает разная погода. Где то солнечно, где то пасмурно, а где то и вовсе льют дожди. В горах может быть снежная погода. В лесу дождливая. А на пляже солнечная. В разных местах своя погода.


Ответ дал: Masha0122
On the planet is different weather. Somewhere Sunny, somewhere cloudy, and where it is pouring rain. In the mountains can be snowy weather. In a rainy forest. But on the Sunny beach. In different places its weather.

ВоваЦыбарт: On the whole planet is different weather. Somewhere sunny where the overcast, and somewhere or even pouring rain. In the mountains, can be snowy weather. In the rainy forest. And on a sunny beach. In various places its weather
zulkarnieieva85: спасибо большое
Ответ дал: Елдана28
On all of the earth is diffrent weather. Somewhere is sunny, somewhere is bad weather, somewhere is raining. In the mountains maybe is snowy weather. In the forest rainy

zulkarnieieva85: спасибо
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