Change the phrases into passive voice:
1) to produce hightech equipment -
2) to develop new products -
3) to process raw materials -
4) to stock the shelves -
5) to plan the work schedule -
6) to determine the sequence of operations -
7) to serve customers -
8) to paint the walls -
9) to assemble the cars -
10) to build the plant -
11) to cut hair -
12) to make furniture -


Ответ дал: DannyUndead
Если оставлять в инфинитиве, то:
1) hightech equipment to be produced 
2) new products to be developed
3) raw materials to be processed 
4) the shelves to be stocked 
5) the work schedule to be planned
6)  the sequence of operations to bedetermined 
7)  customers to be served 
8) the walls to be painted  
9)  the cars  to be assembled
10)  the plant  to be built
11)  hair to be cut
12)  furniture to be made
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