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Dear Lisa!

I am happy because I BE in London already for a week.. I HAVE a great time here. In the first few days I DO a lot of sightseeing. Yesterday I GO shopping. Today I VISIT a couple of interesting art galleries.

Unfortunately, I NOT/SEE Tower of London yet but I WALK about the city for seven days!!!

I hope you are well. I WRITE again next week.

Best wishes,



Ответ дал: nunny
I am happy because I have been in London already for a week.. I am having a great time here. In the first few days I did a lot of sightseeing. Yesterday I went shopping. Today I have visited a couple of interesting art galleries.
Unfortunately, I have not seen theTower of London yet but I have been walking about the city for seven days!!! I hope you are well. I will write again next week.

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