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Last summer I go to the country.

My grandmother and grandfather live there. 

I go to the country with my little sister Nelly.

I am happy to see my grandparents.

In the country I walk, swim in the river and help my grandparents.

Sometimes I ride a bicycle.

Nelly doesn't ride a bicycle.

She is too small.

She plays with her friends and walks.


Ответ дал: AlpenGold483

Last summer I went to the country.

My grandmother and grandfather lived there. 

I went to the country with my little sister Nelly.

I was happy to see my grandparents.

In the country I walked, swim in the river and helped my grandparents.

Sometimes I rode a bicycle.

Nelly didn't ride a bicycle.

She was too small.

She played with her friends and walked.

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