answer the questions.
1.where do people live? the earth big or small?
3.what is there on the earth?
4. Where is there water on the earth?
5.the earth is beautiful, isn't it?
6.why do we say that the earth is full of wonders?
7.why do people speak different languages.?
Задание №2 Грамматика
1. Put the verbs into the correct form, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple
1.My son always  (walk) to school. 
2. I  (go) to Paris last month. 
3. My mother  (have) a nice house in the country. 
4. My sister  (come) to see me when I was ill last month. 
5. I   (clean) the windows of my room now. 
7. This is a photograph of me when I  (be) a baby. 
8. Peter   (be) twelve next month. 
9. Try one of these cakes; I  (make) them yesterday in the evening. 
10. Bob  (buy) a car as soon as he passed his driving test. 

2. Put the verbs into the correct form, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Past Continuous.
1. I … (buy) just a new pair of shoes.

2 … you…………………………(finish) reading that book yet?

3. 4. I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages.

4. 5. I have finished / have been finishing my work.

5. 6. I have lost/ have been losing my key.

6. 4. Debi ---- (study) for four hours when her father arrived.

7. 5. By this time last year, I ---- (finish) the course and I ---- (start) to speak perfect English.

8. Sam ---- (drive) for six hours when he arrived in the village. He ---- (drive) more than 300 miles.

9. 7. They ---- (work) for two hours by the time the manager arrives at six today.

10. 8. By the time you received this letter yesterday, Dina ---- (leave) for Algeria.

11. When I phoned my friends, they (play)  monopoly.
12. Yesterday at six I (prepare)  dinner.
13. The kids (play)  in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.
14. I (practice)  the guitar when he came home.
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Ответ дал: nurka333
Н 1)people live on earth2)big3)There are many plants,many cities,countries,prople,work places.4)On oceans,seas,rivers and lakes5)It is very beatiful! 6)Because you live on earh,and sometimes you think about how the life arosed7)People speak on mamy languages because they want to defend themselves and to have a good job N2 grammar 1)My son always walks to school2)I went to Paris last month3)My mother has a nice house in the country4)My sister came to see me when i was ill last month5)I am cleaning the windows of my room now6)This is a photograph of me when I was a baby7)Peter will 12 next month8)Try one of these cakes;i made them yesterday in the evening9)Bob bought a car as soon as he passed the driving tests Остальное сделай сам(-а)
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