Complete the dialogues. Make deductions using must or can't and the prompts given. (Завершите диалоги. Сделать выводы, используя должен или не может и данные подсказки)
1. A: I'll ring Julie and tell her about the meeting.
B: No, don't ring her now ____________________________. (she / be / home / yet)
It's only three o'clock and she gets home after half past four.

2. Does Jane know Bob?
B: She met him at my party last month. ___________________. (she / remember / him)

3. A: Does Bill know how to get there?
B: Well, he found my house without a map so _________________. ( he / know / way / around)
4. A: Call Anita at home. She's late.
B: I just did but she's not answering. ______________. ( she / be / on / way)
5. A: So, what should we get for Stacey?
B: What about this dress? It's nice.
A: ________________________. ( you / be / serious) It's horrible!


Ответ дал: Iraminty
1. She can't be at home yet. 2. She can't remember him. 3. He must know way around. 4. She can't be on way. 5. You can't be serious.
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