1.The sky ... by flashes of lightning and the thunder was deafening.
a) Lit up
b) Was lit up
c) Lighted up
d) Was lighted up
2.All the lights went out and the electrical appliances stopped ... .
a) Working b) To work c) Work
d) Works
3. I ... just ...our old gas camping lamp and stove in one of the kitchen cupboard.
a) had / finded b) had / found c) have / found d) have / finded


Ответ дал: катас
1.The sky ... by flashes of lightning and the thunder was deafening.
не знаю:( но кажется B)

2.All the lights went out and the electrical appliances stopped ... .
a) Working 

3. I ... just ...our old gas camping lamp and stove in one of the kitchen cupboard.
 c) have / found 
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