Вставьте предлоги out, at, to, with, in, to, of, after, about, of.

1) He doesn’t listen ___ such music.

2) A cricket team consists___ eleven players.

3) I love looking ___ children.

4) In the end he found___ the truth.

5) He lies ___ everyone all the time.

6) He wanted to get rid ___ him at first.

7) Someone is knocking ___ the door.

8) They will arrive___ New York at noon.

9) Hip-hop is very popular ___ young people today.

10) I was really sorry ___ his resignation.


Ответ дал: Mcfisher
1 to
2 of
3 after
4 out
5 to 
6 of
7 at
8 in 
9 with
10 about
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