Пожалуйста помогите !!!=)) Раскрыть скобки,употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect. 1He(to stydy) French before he ( to enter) the university. 2Lanny ( to say) that he ( to get) his education in Cape Town. 3The boy(to want) to act the main psrt in the play because he ( to organize) the theatre. 4 Lanny ( not to know) who ( to atack) him in the darkness. 5 the girl ( to be )glad that she ( to find ) a seat near the window.


Ответ дал: irinasin4

1.  He had  studied French before he entered the university.

2.  Lanny  said  that he had  got his education in Cape Town.

3.  The boy  wanted  to act the main part in the play because he had organized the theatre.

4.  Lanny  didn't  know who had  attacked  him in the darkness.

5.  The girl  was glad that she had found a seat near the window.

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